Using Explain Plans

When using the MongoDB Query Language (MQL) to develop queries, it is important to view the explain plan for a query to determine if you've used the appropriate index and if you need to optimise other aspects of the query or the data model. An explain plan allows you to fully understand the performance implications of the query you have created.

The same applies to aggregation pipelines and the ability to view an explain plan for the executed pipeline. However, with aggregations, an explain plan tends to be even more critical because considerably more complex logic can be assembled and run in the database. There are far more opportunities for performance bottlenecks to occur, requiring optimisation.

The MongoDB database engine will do its best to apply its own aggregation pipeline optimisations at runtime. Nevertheless, there could be some optimisations that only you can make. A database engine should never optimise a pipeline in such a way as to risk changing the functional behaviour and outcome of the pipeline. The database engine doesn't always have the extra context that your brain has, relating to the actual business problem at hand. It may not be able to make some types of judgement calls about what pipeline changes to apply to make it run faster. The availability of an explain plan for aggregations enables you to bridge this gap. It allows you to understand the database engine's applied optimisations and detect further potential optimisations you can manually implement in the pipeline.

Viewing An Explain Plan

To view the explain plan for an aggregation pipeline, you can execute commands such as the following:

db.coll.explain().aggregate([{"$match": {"name": "Jo"}}]);

In this book, you will already have seen the convention used to firstly define a separate variable for the pipeline, followed by the call to the aggregate() function, passing in the pipeline argument, as shown here:


By adopting this approach, it's easier for you to use the same pipeline definition interchangeably with different commands. Whilst prototyping and debugging a pipeline, it is handy for you to be able to quickly switch from executing the pipeline to instead generating the explain plan for the same defined pipeline, as follows:


As with MQL, there are three different verbosity modes that you can generate an explain plan with, as shown below:

// QueryPlanner verbosity  (default if no verbosity parameter provided)
// ExecutionStats verbosity
// AllPlansExecution verbosity 

In most cases, you will find that running the executionStats variant is the most informative mode. Rather than showing just the query planner's thought process, it also provides actual statistics on the "winning" execution plan (e.g. the total keys examined, the total docs examined, etc.). However, this isn't the default because it actually executes the aggregation in addition to formulating the query plan. If the source collection is large or the pipeline is suboptimal, it will take a while to return the explain plan result.

Note, the aggregate() function also provides a vestigial explain option to ask for an explain plan to be generated and returned. Nonetheless, this is more limited and cumbersome to use, so you should avoid it.

Understanding The Explain Plan

To provide an example, let us assume a shop's data set includes information on each customer and what retail orders the customer has made over the years. The customer orders collection contains documents similar to the following example:

  "customer_id": "",
  "orders": [
      "orderdate": ISODate("2020-01-13T09:32:07Z"),
      "product_type": "GARDEN",
      "value": NumberDecimal("99.99")
      "orderdate": ISODate("2020-05-30T08:35:52Z"),
      "product_type": "ELECTRONICS",
      "value": NumberDecimal("231.43")

You've defined an index on the customer_id field. You create the following aggregation pipeline to show the three most expensive orders made by a customer whose ID is, as shown below:

var pipeline = [
  // Unpack each order from customer orders array as a new separate record
  {"$unwind": {
    "path": "$orders",
  // Match on only one customer
  {"$match": {
    "customer_id": "",

  // Sort customer's purchases by most expensive first
  {"$sort" : {
    "orders.value" : -1,
  // Show only the top 3 most expensive purchases
  {"$limit" : 3},

  // Use the order's value as a top level field
  {"$set": {
    "order_value": "$orders.value",
  // Drop the document's id and orders sub-document from the results
  {"$unset" : [

Upon executing this aggregation against an extensive sample data set, you receive the following result:

    customer_id: '',
    order_value: NumberDecimal("1024.89")
    customer_id: '',
    order_value: NumberDecimal("187.99")
    customer_id: '',
    order_value: NumberDecimal("4.59")

You then request the query planner part of the explain plan:


The query plan output for this pipeline shows the following (excluding some information for brevity):

stages: [
    '$cursor': {
      queryPlanner: {
        parsedQuery: { customer_id: { '$eq': '' } },
        winningPlan: {
          stage: 'FETCH',
          inputStage: {
            stage: 'IXSCAN',
            keyPattern: { customer_id: 1 },
            indexName: 'customer_id_1',
            direction: 'forward',
            indexBounds: {
              customer_id: [
                '["", ""]'
  { '$unwind': { path: '$orders' } },
  { '$sort': { sortKey: { 'orders.value': -1 }, limit: 3 } },
  { '$set': { order_value: '$orders.value' } },
  { '$project': { _id: false, orders: false } }

You can deduce some illuminating insights from this query plan:

  • To optimise the aggregation, the database engine has reordered the pipeline positioning the filter belonging to the $match to the top of the pipeline. The database engine moves the content of $match ahead of the $unwind stage without changing the aggregation's functional behaviour or outcome.

  • The first stage of the database optimised version of the pipeline is an internal $cursor stage, regardless of the order you placed the pipeline stages in. The $cursor runtime stage is always the first action executed for any aggregation. Under the covers, the aggregation engine reuses the MQL query engine to perform a "regular" query against the collection, with a filter based on the aggregation's $match contents. The aggregation runtime uses the resulting query cursor to pull batches of records. This is similar to how a client application with a MongoDB driver uses a query cursor when remotely invoking an MQL query to pull batches. As with a normal MQL query, the regular database query engine will try to use an index if it makes sense. In this case an index is indeed leveraged, as is visible in the embedded $queryPlanner metadata, showing the "stage" : "IXSCAN" element and the index used, "indexName" : "customer_id_1".

  • To further optimise the aggregation, the database engine has collapsed the $sort and $limit into a single special internal sort stage which can perform both actions in one go. In this situation, during the sorting process, the aggregation engine only has to track the current three most expensive orders in memory. It does not have to hold the whole data set in memory when sorting, which may otherwise be resource prohibitive in many scenarios, requiring more RAM than is available.

You might also want to see the execution stats part of the explain plan. The specific new information shown in executionStats, versus the default of queryPlanner, is identical to the normal MQL explain plan returned for a regular find() operation. Consequently, for aggregations, similar principles to MQL apply for spotting things like "have I used the optimal index?" and "does my data model lend itself to efficiently processing this query?".

You ask for the execution stats part of the explain plan:


Below is a redacted example of the output you will see, highlighting some of the most relevant metadata elements you should generally focus on.

executionStats: {
  nReturned: 1,
  totalKeysExamined: 1,
  totalDocsExamined: 1,
  executionStages: {
    stage: 'FETCH',
    nReturned: 1,
    works: 2,
    advanced: 1,
    docsExamined: 1,
    inputStage: {
      stage: 'IXSCAN',
      nReturned: 1,
      works: 2,
      advanced: 1,
      keyPattern: { customer_id: 1 },
      indexName: 'customer_id_1',
      direction: 'forward',
      indexBounds: {
        customer_id: [
          '["", ""]'
      keysExamined: 1,

Here, this part of the plan also shows that the aggregation uses the existing index. Because totalKeysExamined and totalDocsExamined match, the aggregation fully leverages this index to identify the required records, which is good news. Nevertheless, the targeted index doesn't necessarily mean the aggregation's query part is fully optimised. For example, if there is the need to reduce latency further, you can do some analysis to determine if the index can completely cover the query. Suppose the cursor query part of the aggregation is satisfied entirely using the index and does not have to examine any raw documents. In that case, you will see totalDocsExamined: 0 in the explain plan.